40 Cyber Security

Michael Hrycay

Learning Objectives

Discuss issues of cyber security 


The Internet is fundamentally insecure. However, there are simple things you can do to protect yourself and your information. Learn what they are in NOVA’s Cybersecurity Lab.

Watch the following video:

Cybersecurity 101

Cyber Codes and Data Encryption

Do you trust the security of your email, text messages, and browser history? Learn how trustworthy online communication actually is and how encryption can protect your privacy. Sometimes.

Watch the following video:

Cyber Codes and Data Encryption


Hackers may not be who we think they are. In fact, you might be a hacker and not even know it. Learn the true meaning of hacking and some of the many reasons hackers hack.

Watch the following video:

The Secret Lives of Hackers

Importance of Cyber Security

Follow the trials and tribulations of Tim as a seemingly innocent piece of information threatens to ruin his life when it falls into the wrong hands.

Watch the following video:

A Cyber Privacy Parable


This game is designed to help you keep your digital lives safe, spot cyber scams, learn the basics of coding, and defend against cyber attacks.

Watch the following video:


NOVA Cybersecurity Lab Game

This information was accessed from https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/nvcy-doc-cyberlplan/nova-cybersecurity-lab-lesson-plan/, July 28, 2022, and is published by PBS Education, https://www.pbs.org/education/.


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Cyber Security Copyright © 2022 by Michael Hrycay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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