20 Chapter 1: Workplace Communication (Verbal and Written)

Michael Hrycay and Aydrian Hayes

Lesson 1: Clarity and Conciseness (Week1)

Learning Objectives

  • Define and explain principles of clarity and conciseness.

Principles of Clear Writing

Clear writing is essential for effective communication. Here’s a condensed guide to making your writing as clear as possible:

  1. Use Simple, Active Verbs: Choose straightforward verbs. “It runs well” is clearer than “it operates efficiently.”
  2. Be Concise: Remove redundant words. Instead of “at this point in time,” just say “now.”
  3. Be Specific: “Senior vice president” is clearer than “top executive.”
  4. Use Familiar Words: Avoid slang/jardon unless 95% of your readers will understand.
  5. Provide Context: Ensure readers have enough background to understand your message.
  6. Place Phrases Carefully: Ensure modifying phrases are placed next to what they describe. E.g., “Mr. Smith, a longtime member, deserves recognition.”
  7. Organize Your Content: Arrange information logically or chronologically. Outlining can help.
  8. Stay Relevant: Every point should support your main message.
  9. Mind Your Commas: Commas can change meaning. Consider the difference between “Originally selected students” and “Originally, selected students.”
  10. Include a Call to Action: After sharing your message, tell readers the next steps. If you want them to call or remember something, specify that.

Keep these principles in mind to craft messages that are clear, concise, and compelling.

Learning Task

Replace the following phrases with a single word.

A large number of_______________________

Despite the fact that_______________________

Personal opinion_______________________

Each and every_______________________

Has the opportunity to_______________________

End result_______________________

At this point in time_______________________

Compare and contrast_______________________

At an early time_______________________

In a case in which_______________________

Word Bank:

  1. Although
  2. Opinion
  3. Now
  4. Each, every, all
  5. Result
  6. Can, could
  7. Early
  8. When, where
  9. Many
  10. Compare

Stop and Reflect

Think to yourself and/or discuss the concepts below with family and friends:

  • After completing the above learning task, do you feel that using concise language can change the impact or clarity of a message? How might simplifying your language benefit your communication in both personal and professional settings?

Learning Task

Circle the unnecessary words in the following sentences.

  1. The creditor must first establish that the debtor is undoubtedly bankrupt.
  2. Our main role is to raise money by way of donations in order to fund the works of these charities.
  3. Professor Smith was picked by each and every person on the committee.
  4. As a matter of fact, Pleasantville has a strong position in the forestry industry.
  5. The student needs to obtain high marks in science in order to study medicine.
  6. The manager will, insofar as is possible, make sure that the information is true and accurate.
  7. We will send out brochures to the general public.
  8. You must be willing to challenge yourself in order to get the most out of your education at university.

Answer Key: 

The unnecessary words were in the following phrases.

  • first, undoubtedly
  • by way of donations in order to, the works of
  • and every
  • as a matter of fact
  • to obtain, in order
  • insofar as possible, true and
  • out, general
  • in order, your education at

Watch the following video: 

Learning Task

Make the following sentences more concise without removing any information.

  1. We are working hard so the poor are given the basic essentials to lift themselves out of poverty.
  2. Students should make contact with us for help with their future plans prior to the start of semester.
  3. It is apparent that the tragedy could have been avoided if the company had talked to workers regarding hazards which existed in the workplace.
  4. The total population of the island is 12,046 with the future possibility of 5% growth by 2012.
  5. A commerce graduate can leverage knowledge they have acquired in their coursework and apply it to the real world.

Rewritten Sentence Possibilities: 

  1. We are working hard to give the poor the basics to lift themselves out of poverty.
  2. Before semester starts, students should contact us for help with their plans.
  3. It appears the tragedy could have been avoided if the company had talked to workers about workplace dangers.
  4. The population of the island is 12,046 with the possibility of 5% growth by 2012.
  5. A commerce graduate can apply knowledge from their course to their work.

Journal Response – Class Discussion

Reflect on the significance of active listening in effective communication. Share your insights on how practicing active listening can enhance interpersonal relationships and professional success. Share your reflections with the class and engage in a class discussion.

Prompt: What are some common challenges you face when trying to achieve clarity and conciseness in your writing? Share an example of a situation where you struggled with clarity or conciseness and discuss how you overcame it or what strategies you could use in the future to improve your communication.

Exemplary (4)
Accomplished (3)
Developing (2)
Beginning (1)
Strong voice and tone that clearly addresses the purpose for discussion.
Appropriate voice and tone. The purpose is largely clear.
Attempts to use personal voice and tone. Somewhat addresses the intended purpose.
Demonstrates limited awareness of use of voice and tone. Limited evidence of intended purpose.
Many interesting, specific facts and ideas are included.
Many facts and ideas are included.
Some facts and ideas are included.
Few facts and ideas are included.
All grammar and spelling is correct.
Only one or two grammar and spelling errors.
A few grammar and spelling errors.
Many grammar and spelling errors.
Made two significant contributions to the class discussion. Highly supportive of others.
Made one contribution to the class discussion.  Supported group members.
Attempted to contribute to the class discussion but was vague and unclear in the contribution.
Minimally involved. Offered limited support to classmates.

Works Cited:

Writer, B. T. (2022, November 18). 17 principles for clarity in writing. B2B Technology Copywriting – Kellé Campbell PR Writer. https://kc-communications.com/ten-principles-clear-writing/

Lesson 2: Professional Emails and Text Messages (Week 1)

Learning Objectives

  • Plan, write, revise, and edit short documents and messages clearly and concisely including text messages and emails. 

Writing Concise Emails 

As email is the prevalent form of communication for many different workers, and even though the bulk of your work will be out in the field you will still need to be able to send important emails that are understood by your receiver. How many times have you received a rambling and incoherent email? How many times have you hit “Delete” because you have no idea what the person wants and no time to sort through the long message? The truth is that people don’t have time for long emails, and they don’t have time to try to find out exactly what you want. You have to tell them, in as short an email as possible. Misunderstandings are also a problem, because of the nature of email. People are often ambiguous, and their messages are interpreted differently than they intended, leading to a waste of time and energy.

Here are some tips:

1. Use the minimum number of sentences. How many sentences are needed to communicate what you’re trying to communicate? Or how few sentences can you get away with? Cut it to that number, and no more. That ensures that you’re not wasting the time of the recipient, and that your email actually gets read.

2. State what you want right away. Don’t write a long introduction, telling your life story, or any story for that matter. People aren’t interested. They just want to know what you want. State that, in the first sentence. Skip the niceties. Don’t make the recipient wade through 10 paragraphs to find what action is needed for the email.

3. Write about only one thing. There have been numerous times when I read an email, saw the action needed, and went and did it … only to find out that three other things were also needed to respond to the email. I’ve also responded to the first part of an email and not to others, just because I didn’t have enough time. Instead, stick to one subject, with one request. Once that’s done, you can send a second one, but don’t overwhelm the recipient if at all possible.

4. Leave out the humour and emotions. These don’t come across well in an email. There’s just no way to express tone, inflection, etc. … and there’s no way to know if the recipient understands that you’re joking. If you’re communicating in person, you can see that the person didn’t understand the humour, and say, “I was only joking!” But you won’t have that opportunity in an email.

5. Use “If … then” statements. As email is a back-and-forth method of communicating, and it can take a day or more for a response (in some cases), you want to limit the number of times a message has to go back and forth. To do that, use “if … then” statements, anticipating the possible responses to your question. For example, if you want to know if a person has received a response to an inquiry, instead of asking “Have you received a response?” then waiting for a reply, try doing it all in one email: “Have you received a response from Mr. X yet? If so, please finish the report by Tuesday and email it to me. If not, can you follow up today and let me know the response?”By anticipating the possible responses, and giving a desired action for each possible response, you’re cutting a lot of wasted back-and-forth time.

6. Review for ambiguity, clarity. Once you’ve written an email, take a few seconds to read over it before pressing the Send button. Read it as if you were an outsider — how clear is it? Are there any ambiguous statements that could be interpreted the wrong way? If so, clarify. Use the 10 principles of clear writing that we discussed in a previous lesson.

7. Revise for conciseness. As you review, also see if there is a way you can shorten the email, remove words or sentences or even paragraphs. Leave nothing but the essential message you’re trying to communicate.

Writing a Formal Email

Learning Task

Writing a Formal Email Assignment

Instructions: Imagine that you’ve been selected to start a maintenance repair worker practicum. You’ve been instructed to email your supervisor to request more information about your start date and any expectations for your first day. Your goal is to keep the format and the contents of the email in a formal tone. Use the following information to write a practice email.

Subject Line: This tells your reader what your email is about. Ensure that your subject is informational to the receiver.

Addressing your Audience: Even though this is an email, an address (like a letter) should start your email. Since you’ll be talking to this person for the first time, you’ll also want to introduce yourself appropriately.

Body of email: This is the “nuts and bolts” of what you want to say. Your score will start at 15 and reduce by 0.5 for each mistake.


  • An email should be short, concise, appropriate, and to the point. Don’t ramble – keep this writing assignment short. Refer to the 10 principles of clarity.
  • Standard English – No acronyms, no slang words.
  • Spell check – this is the biggest complaint in the business world. Make sure you make a good impression!


  • No sarcasm! Reading between the lines can get you into trouble, so just keep it clean and clear.
  • Friendly and interesting.
  • Closing – type a closing statement and your name (just like a letter).

Writing Text Messages

A traditional text message is 160 characters. For context, this is exactly how much content you can fit within that limit:

“The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox is”

As you can see it’s not a lot of space, but it’s certainly enough if your message is clear, concise, and action-oriented. Instead of viewing the number of characters as a limit, think of it as a test for your text. If the message you’re looking to send can’t be condensed, maybe it’s not appropriate for a text message.

How to Write a Professional Text Message: The anatomy of a text message is fairly straightforward. Aside from the technicalities, like the character limits, the biggest thing to consider when writing a text is tone. Even when you’re writing something professional your tone should be conversational. Texting is intimate and you don’t want to sound like a robot when you’re communicating with clients or staff. Cut down on the flowery language and keep it simple. To demonstrate:

Bad example
Dear Lou, thank you for connecting with me at the networking event earlier today. It was so nice to meet you. When we met we talked about freelance work and your need for a writer. I wanted to let you know I’d be happy to send you some samples for review. If you’re interested let me know. Thanks! Jon Jenner, A&M Copywriting, jjenner@amwriting.com, 978-562-9168.

Good example

Hey Lou, it’s Jon! Loved connecting with you. If you’re still looking for a freelancer let me know and we can talk next steps. Enjoy Vegas! Cheers, Jon.

Rules for Writing Professional Text Messages: Writing your message is personal to you and your needs. There’s no magic formula to speak of, only guidelines. Think of them like bumpers on a bowling alley.

  1. Keep it short: The best part of texting is how quick and easy it is to communicate. Messages should be able to be read in a matter of seconds and responded to within a few minutes. A good rule of thumb is 1-2 sentences.
  2. Get consent: Not only is it proper texting etiquette, but it’s illegal to mass text people without their consent. In instances outside of one-on-one texting, you must secure express written consent from someone before sending a message.
  3. Be Mindful of Frequency: Professional texting isn’t just about what you do, it’s also about what you don’t do. Sending multiple messages that could easily be sent in one might be something you do to your friends, but not your boss. Additionally, you don’t want to text too frequently or outside of business hours.
  4. Make it Easy to Reply: Keeping your texts short also means you need to keep them clear. If you’re asking your recipient a question, make it easy for them to provide a simple yes or no answer or ask something that doesn’t require a detailed explanation. For example, a good text would ask someone if they’re familiar with computer coding. A bad text would be asking them to explain HTML to you.
  5. Keep Your Sign-Off Short: Your email signature might have your name, job title, credentials, schooling, and other contact information on it. Your text sign-off will not. In fact, your text sign-off should just be your name and, if necessary, your place of business. However, best practice dictates that you’re usually texting someone who you have previously conversed with or developed a rapport. So all they would really need is your name.

Stop and Reflect

Think to yourself and/or discuss the concepts below with family and friends:

  • Considering the guidelines and examples provided in the text, reflect on your own texting habits. In what ways do your professional text messages align with these best practices, and where do you see room for improvement?

Write short text messages of appreciation, apology or explanation

Everybody makes mistakes sometimes and everybody does a good job sometimes. It is important, in the workplace, to admit when we have made a mistake and apologize for it. It is also important to recognize and acknowledge when someone has done something to help you. A short message or email apologizing for a mistake or thanking someone for their help makes the work environment comfortable and pleasant.

Message of thanks

In any job, you will often need help whether to lift something because it is too heavy, or because it is so busy that you need extra staff. When you request people to help you, it is important to acknowledge their assistance. Writing a short message of thanks is an effective way to show you appreciate the help. Below are some useful expressions that you can use to say thanks:

Thanks so much for _____

Thanks a lot for _____

Thanks, I really appreciate _____

Thank you, I couldn’t have _____ without your help.

It is important to be specific about why you are thanking someone when you write a message of appreciation. Always write why you are thanking the person. For example: ‘Thanks for helping with the function last night. We couldn’t have done it without you.


Thanking someone for their help is an important part of work and apologising for making a mistake is just as important. You should always admit when you have made a mistake and apologize to the person or people affected by the mistake. Like a message of thanks, a short apology message should also explain what you are apologizing for. There are many situations in the workplace where you need to apologize.

Some common mistakes include:

  • Forgetting to do something
  • Doing something the wrong way
  • Not knowing how to do something
  • Being late
  • Getting angry
  • Not communicating effectively.

When writing a short message of apology, it is important to say ‘sorry’ and what you are sorry for.

For example:

  • I’m sorry for being late yesterday.
  • I apologize for forgetting to ……
  • I’m sorry I was angry with you.
  • I’m sorry for not informing you. I should have sent you an email.

Explaining a temporary absence

Often there will be times at work you may have to leave your position to do something. You might have to help a guest or get something from a storeroom, for example. You should always leave a short message explaining where you have gone so that your colleagues or supervisors know where you are. Leaving a message to explain a temporary absence is polite, professional and is a good example of effective communication.

Be back in 5 mins!

There will be times when you are working that you will have to leave your position to attend to something else. This is quite common but it is important that you inform people where you have gone and when you will return. Sending a message is an effective way to let your colleagues know where you are.

Learning Task

Practicing Writing Text Messages

For each of the following scenarios, craft an appropriate text message.

  • You are temporarily leaving the worksite because of a family emergency.
  • A co-worker stayed late after their shift to help you.
  • You will have to miss your shift, because you are sick.
  • You were late to work this morning.
  • You aren’t sure where you left your toolbox.
  • You heard your supervisor gave you a great recommendation.
  • You lost your temper and yelled at a co-worker yesterday.
  • You noticed a hazard at the worksite.

Remember to: 

  • Use short active verbs
  • Be concise
  • Be specific
  • Use familiar words
  • Provide context
  • Watch for misplaced phrases
  • Organize your text


Journal Question – Class Discussion

Reflect on your response for the prompt below in relation to effective communication. Share your insights on professional written communication and how this can enhance interpersonal relationships and professional success. Share your reflections with the class and engage in a class discussion.

Prompt: What are some common pitfalls to avoid when writing professional emails and text messages? Share an example of a communication situation where you faced challenges in maintaining clarity and conciseness in your written messages. How did you address these challenges, and what strategies would you recommend to improve professional email and text message communication?

Exemplary (4)
Accomplished (3)
Developing (2)
Beginning (1)
Strong voice and tone that clearly addresses the purpose for discussion. Appropriate voice and tone. The purpose is largely clear. Attempts to use personal voice and tone. Somewhat addresses the intended purpose. Demonstrates limited awareness of use of voice and tone. Limited evidence of intended purpose.
Many interesting, specific facts and ideas are included. Many facts and ideas are included. Some facts and ideas are included. Few facts and ideas are included.
All grammar and spelling is correct. Only one or two grammar and spelling errors. A few grammar and spelling errors. Many grammar and spelling errors.
Made two significant contributions to the class discussion. Highly supportive of others. Made one contribution to the class discussion.  Supported group members. Attempted to contribute to the class discussion but was vague and unclear in the contribution. Minimally involved. Offered limited support to classmates.

Works Cited:

7 rules for communicating clearly and concisely in email. 7 Rules for Communicating Clearly and Concisely in Email – Chris Pultz. (n.d.). https://wp.lps.org/cpultz/2007/10/05/7-rules-for-communicating-clearly-and-concisely-in-email/

Lesson 3: Workplace Writing  (Week 2)

Learning Objectives

  • Analyze and evaluate audience/purpose/situation as they apply to business writing contexts
  • Produce clear, concise, effective audience and purpose-specific business writing
  • Adapt tone and style for appropriate contexts


In the workplace, most people don’t fully read what you write. To convey your message effectively, begin with a thorough Task and Audience Analysis. Understand your “rhetorical situation” before drafting to address your audience’s needs. (See Figure 1.3.1).imageFigure 1.3.1 The Rhetorical Situation.

The “rhetorical situation” is a term used to describe the components of any situation in which you may want to communicate, whether in written or oral form. To define a “rhetorical situation,” ask yourself this question: Who is talking to whom about what, how, and why?”

The five key components are:

  1. Purpose: Why are you writing? Engage in Task Analysis to pinpoint your objective. Usually, workplace writing aims to record, inform, or persuade. For instance, proposing a solution seeks to convince readers to consider or fund it.
  2. Writer: This is you! Reflect on your motivations, biases, and experiences. Your role and relation to the audience influence your message.
  3. Audience: Using Audience Analysis, determine your readers. Are they colleagues, managers, or external stakeholders? Distinguish between primary and secondary audiences to tailor your message more effectively. Consider Figure 1.3.2 below.
  4. Message: This encapsulates what you wish to convey. It’s shaped by your purpose, your understanding as the writer, and your knowledge of the audience.
  5. Context/Culture: Understand the broader setting in which your message is received, considering organizational norms and cultural factors. This influences how your message will be interpreted.


Figure 1.3.2 Understanding your relationship to your audience.

Consider the specific reasons different audience groups have for reading your document. Assess their existing knowledge and information needs to tailor your message effectively. Remember, technical documents might be referenced long after they’re written. For instance:


Purpose for Reading


Make decisions

Supervising Experts/Managers

Advise decision makers; direct subordinates

Technical Experts/Co-workers

Implement decisions; advise

Lay People/Public/Clients

Become informed; choose options; make decisions

Some companies develop audience profiles to help guide their communications. This is a good exercise whenever you have something to communicate, especially if the information is complex. Here are some questions to consider as part of the audience profile:

Developing an Audience Profile

  • Who are your primary readers? (Specific names and titles, or general roles)
  • Are they above you in the organizational hierarchy? Lateral? subordinate? Outside of your organization?
  • Who else might read this document? (Secondary readers)
  • Do you know what their attitude towards the topic is?
  • How might cultural differences affect their expectations and interpretations?
  • How much technical background do the readers have?
  • How much do they already know about the topic?
  • What situation gave rise to this document?

MESSAGE refers to the information you want to communicate. This is the content of your document. It should be aligned with your purpose and targeted to your audience. While it is important to carefully choose what content your audience needs, it is equally critical to cut out content that your audience does not need or want. “Time is money” may be a tired old cliché, but it is important to avoid wasting your audience’s time with information that is unnecessary or irrelevant to them. Your message should be professional and expressed in an appropriate tone for the audience, purpose, and context.

CONTEXT refers to the situation that creates the need for writing. In other words, what has happened or needs to happen that creates the need for communication? The context is influenced by timing, location, current events, and culture, which can be organizational or social. Ignoring the context of your communication could result in awkward situations or possibly offensive ones. It will almost certainly impact your ability to clearly convey your message to your audience.

Learning Task

Tailoring Information for Different Audiences


    1. Below is Table 1, listing details from your recent research project on thunderstorms.
    2. You will be tailoring this information for five different audiences:
      • A. Your boss
      • B. Scientists
      • C. The general public
      • D. Politicians
      • E. Students
    3. For each detail listed in Table 1:
      • Decide which audience(s) would find this detail most relevant.
      • Write the corresponding letter (A, B, C, D, E) next to the detail.

Table 1. Details About Your Research Project On Thunderstorms

The dollar damage caused by thunderstorms each year.

A literature review of previous research on thunderstorms.

Descriptions of calibration procedures for your instruments.

Some basic physics of how thunderstorms work.

How much your project costs.

A log of all your measurements during the whole project.

A list of everyone who worked on the project.

Specifications of a new instrument to measure hail size.

A new result showing a connection between lightning intensity and total rainfall.

A new result showing how to suppress hail.

New insights into the flow patterns around thunderstorms.

Procedures you used to avoid statistical biases in your data.

Your plans for further measurements.

Your recommendations for future research.

Stop and Reflect

Think to yourself and/or discuss the concepts below with family and friends:

  • In the previous Learning Task, think about the nature of each audience. For instance, would the general public be interested in calibration procedures, or would they prefer to know about the monetary damage caused by thunderstorms?

Learning Task

Tailoring Content Based on Audience Needs


  1. Below are topics with varying audiences. Your goal is to think about the distinctions in purpose, content, and format needed for each audience.
  2. For each topic and its associated audiences, consider:
    • What is their primary need or interest in the subject?
    • What kind of content would be most relevant to them?
    • How might the format or presentation of the information change?
  3. Use the Audience Analysis Schematic in Table 2 to guide your thinking. Assign each audience to one of the four categories provided and determine the kind of information they would require.
  4. Topics & Audiences

    A report on Internet Privacy Issues

    for a new internet user
    for an e-commerce website developer

    Information on Lyme Diseasefor camping enthusiasts

    for a family practice physician
    for public health department

    Food born diseases

    for a restaurant worker
    for a health inspector training manual

    Proposal for a new bus shelter design

    Mayor’s office


    Newspaper reporter
  5. Table 2. Audience Analysis Schematic

    4 categories of audiences
    Kind of information required:


    General public


    General “users”


    Decision Makers

    (manage resources and people)



    (use their expertise to help decision makers)



    Hint: Laypeople, like new internet users, might need basic information presented in a simple format, while experts, like e-commerce website developers, would need detailed, technical content. Consider these distinctions as you assign and analyze each audience.

Conventions and Characteristics 

Part of refining your topic includes considering your purpose and audience and understanding how your purpose and audience relate. An author’s purpose is simply his or her reason for writing. Common purposes include:

  • to inform (to give information)
  • to instruct (to explain how to do something)
  • to persuade (to convince readers to do or believe something)
  • to entertain (to present humor or other enjoyable material)

As the writer you should consider the following:

  • “What do I hope to accomplish?”
  • “ What do I want my writing to do?”
  • “ How does my purpose effect my writing?”


Intended audience means the people the writer has in mind as the readers. The intended audience will be:

    • a specific person (e.g., a newspaper editor)
    • a group of people (e.g., college students, parents)
    • the general public (e.g., the public at large; the “typical” Canadian adult)

As the writer, you should consider the following:

    • Does my audience know me personally?
    • Would they identify me as a “type” of person (i.e., college student)?
    • Can I identify my audience as a “type”?
    • How large is my audience?
    • Can I claim any shared experiences, characteristics, attitudes, values, or prejudices with my audience? (i.e., nationality, culture, gender)
    • Do my audience and I have any differences that would present barriers to communication?


Connect your audience to your topic:

    • What does my audience know about my topic?
    • What does my audience need (or not need) to know about my topic?
    • How “close” is my audience to my topic? (emotionally, geographically, culturally)
    • What does my audience expect as far as the format of the final document?
    • How will my audience use the final document?

Stop and Reflect

What is the main purpose of this paragraph?

  • “The whale is the largest living mammal. The largest whales weigh over 150 tons, are 100 feet long, and consume 5 tons of food each day. The whale is the largest living mammal. The largest whales weigh over 150 tons, are 100 feet long, and consume 5 tons of food each day.”

The main purpose of this paragraph is to inform. It provides factual information and a neutral tone.

Stop and Reflect

What is the main purpose of this paragraph?

  • “Without the efforts and support of people around the globe, the blue whale will continue to be hunted and slaughtered and therefore become extinct. We need to preserve these beautiful creatures and it is time that the government became more involved. Without the efforts and support of people around the globe, the blue whale will continue to be hunted and slaughtered and therefore become extinct. We need to preserve these beautiful creatures and it is time that the government became more involved.”

Although this paragraph is on the same topic of whales, its purpose is to persuade readers to save the whales. Look at the language and word choice and how these support the purpose. Before you begin writing next, consider the audience and purpose and how they relate to the particular genre you are writing in.

Identifying purpose

Learning Task

Read the following paragraphs about four films and then identify the purpose of each paragraph.

  1. This film could easily have been cut down to less than two hours. By the final scene, I noticed that most of my fellow moviegoers were snoozing in their seats and were barely paying attention to what was happening on screen. Although the director sticks diligently to the book, he tries too hard to cram in all the action, which is just too ambitious for such a detail-oriented story. If you want my advice, read the book and give the movie a miss.
  2. During the opening scene, we learn that the character Laura is adopted and that she has spent the past three years desperately trying to track down her real parents. Having exhausted all the usual options—adoption agencies, online searches, family trees, and so on—she is on the verge of giving up when she meets a stranger on a bus. The chance encounter leads to a complicated chain of events that ultimately result in Laura getting her lifelong wish. But is it really what she wants? Throughout the rest of the film, Laura discovers that sometimes the past is best left where it belongs.
  3. To create the feeling of being gripped in a vice, the director, May Lee, uses a variety of elements to gradually increase the tension. The creepy, haunting melody that subtly enhances the earlier scenes becomes ever more insistent, rising to a disturbing crescendo toward the end of the movie. The desperation of the actors, combined with the claustrophobic atmosphere and tight camera angles create a realistic firestorm, from which there is little hope of escape. Walking out of the theater at the end feels like staggering out of a Roman dungeon.
  4. The scene in which Campbell and his fellow prisoners assist the guards in shutting down the riot immediately strikes the viewer as unrealistic. Based on the recent reports on prison riots in both Detroit and California, it seems highly unlikely that a posse of hardened criminals will intentionally help their captors at the risk of inciting future revenge from other inmates. Instead, both news reports and psychological studies indicate that prisoners who do not actively participate in a riot will go back to their cells and avoid conflict altogether. Examples of this lack of attention to detail occur throughout the film, making it almost unbearable to watch.

Identifying the Audience 

When preparing a presentation for executives, you’d carefully select content, decide on tech requirements, define specific terms, and even choose a formal outfit to establish a good rapport. However, presenting the same concepts to high school students would entail simpler charts, definitions, and a casual outfit. Why? Your audience has changed, and so must your approach.

Audience perception isn’t restricted to presentations. In writing, understanding your readers is key. Consider social media: you tailor your posts knowing who’ll read them. While you can’t see readers, you make decisions based on who they are, even in simple emails. Think about two different descriptions of the same event:

A) “I volunteered at a hospital, learned CPR, but caught a cold. Hope to be better next week.”

B) “Had to do community service at a hospital. Learned CPR on dummies. Got sick, hope I don’t miss the basketball game.”

You instantly know the intended audience for each. As you write, imagine your readers. This guides your writing choices.

Tip: Just as a messy appearance can detract from a speech, poor grammar can detract from writing. Good grammar helps convey your message clearly. To improve your writing, consider your audience’s characteristics and expectations.

Audience Considerations

Demographics: This refers to the data about a group’s characteristics like age, ethnicity, religion, or gender. While not always relevant, it’s essential to consider demographics to understand your audience better and tailor your message.

Education: This relates to the audience’s academic level. A Ph.D. holder might expect a more formal style, while a college student might prefer a casual tone. Moreover, the specific field of study can influence your content.

Prior Knowledge: This is about what the audience already knows. Depending on their background, you may need to define terms or dive deeper into concepts. For example, a nursing major would likely know more about health than a business major.

Expectations: This concerns what the readers anticipate from your content. They might expect proper grammar and formatting. Also, the topic will set content expectations. If discussing the effects of rising tuition, readers will anticipate a focus on economic impacts.

Understanding Your Audience

Learning Task

Understanding your Audience

On your own sheet of paper, generate a list of characteristics under each category for each audience. This list will help you later when you read about tone and content.

1. Your classmates

Demographics ____________________________________________

Education ________________________________________________

Prior knowledge ___________________________________________

Expectations ______________________________________________

2. Your instructor

Demographics ____________________________________________

Education ________________________________________________

Prior knowledge ___________________________________________

Expectations ______________________________________________

3. The head of your academic department

Demographics ____________________________________________

Education ________________________________________________

Prior knowledge ___________________________________________

Expectations ______________________________________________

Formal and Informal Writing Styles 

Informal Writing Style

  1. Colloquial – Informal writing is similar to a spoken conversation.  Informal writing may include slang, figures of speech, broken syntax, asides and so on.  Informal writing takes a personal tone as if you were speaking directly to your audience (the reader). You can use the first- or third-person point of view (I and we), and you are likely to address the reader using the second-person (you and your).
  2. Simple – Short sentences are acceptable and sometimes essential to making a point in informal writing. There may be incomplete sentences or ellipsis (…) to make points.
  3. Contractions and Abbreviations – Words are likely to be simplified using contractions (for example, I’m, doesn’t, couldn’t, it’s) and abbreviations (e.g. TV, photos) whenever possible.
  4. Empathy and Emotion – The author can show empathy towards the reader regarding the complexity of a thought and help them through that complexity. See our page:

Formal Writing Style

  1. Complex – Longer sentences are likely to be more prevalent in formal writing. You need to be as thorough as possible with your approach to each topic when you are using a formal style. Each main point needs to be introduced, elaborated and concluded.
  2. Objective – State main points confidently and offer full support arguments. A formal writing style shows a limited range of emotions and avoids emotive punctuation such as exclamation points, ellipsis, etc. unless they are being cited from another source.
  3. Full Words – No contractions should be used to simplify words (in other words use “It is” rather than “It’s”).  Abbreviations must be spelt out in full when first used, the only exceptions being when the acronym is better known than the full name (BBC, ITV or NATO for example).
  4. Third Person – Formal writing is not a personal writing style.  The formal writer is disconnected from the topic and does not use the first person point of view (I or we) or second person (you).

When should you use Formal and Informal Writing?

A formal writing style isn’t inherently superior to an informal one; each serves its distinct purpose. While professional communications often lean towards formality, personal interactions with known recipients might adopt an informal tone. Emails generally have a less formal tenor than printed communications, yet “text talk” should be avoided. If uncertain about the level of formality to use, it’s advisable to lean towards being formal.

Practicing Formal and Informal Writing Skills 

Learning Task

Formal and Informal Writing



Journal Question – Class Discussion

Reflect on your response for the prompt below in relation to effective communication. Share your insights on workplace writing and how this can enhance interpersonal relationships and professional success. Share your reflections with the class and engage in a class discussion.

Prompt: When it comes to workplace writing, why is it important to analyze and evaluate the audience, purpose, and situation before producing business documents? Share an example of a specific workplace writing scenario where considering the audience, purpose, and situation was crucial for producing clear and effective communication.

Exemplary (4)
Accomplished (3)
Developing (2)
Beginning (1)
Strong voice and tone that clearly addresses the purpose for writing. Appropriate voice and tone. The purpose is largely clear. Attempts to use personal voice and tone. Somewhat addresses the intended purpose. Demonstrates limited awareness of use of voice and tone. Limited evidence of intended purpose.
Many interesting, specific facts and ideas are included. Many facts and ideas are included. Some facts and ideas are included. Few facts and ideas are included.
All grammar and spelling is correct. Only one or two grammar and spelling errors. A few grammar and spelling errors. Many grammar and spelling errors.
Made two significant contributions to the class discussion. Highly supportive of others. Made one contribution to the class discussion.  Supported group members. Attempted to contribute to the class discussion but was vague and unclear in the contribution. Minimally involved. Offered limited support to classmates.

Works Cited:

Neveu, C., Smith, M., Gaudet, L., & Neveu, S. L. and C. (2019, January 1). 1.3 understanding the rhetorical situation. Technical Writing Essentials. https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/technicalwriting/chapter/understandingrhetoricalsituation/

[Author removed at request of original publisher]. (2015, October 27). 6.1 purpose, audience, tone, and content. Writing for Success. https://open.lib.umn.edu/writingforsuccess/chapter/6-1-purpose-audience-tone-and-content/

Formal and informal writing – skillsworkshop. (n.d.). https://www.skillsworkshop.org/sites/skillsworkshop.org/files/resources/l1l2formalinformal.pdf

Lesson 4: Interpersonal Communication (Week 2)

Learning Objectives

  • Identify and interpret the fundamental elements of effective communication.
  • Utilize effective communication techniques in various personal and professional contexts.
  • Construct and present concise, organized oral reports specifically adapted to the unique requirements of diverse audiences and objectives.

Elements of Effective Communication

Effective communication is key to building relationships and achieving success in both personal and professional settings. The fundamental elements of effective communication include:

  1. Clarity: Being clear and concise, avoiding jargon.
  2. Active Listening: Paying full attention, asking clarifying questions, and showing empathy.
  3. Non-verbal Communication: Body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice.
  4. Feedback: Giving and receiving constructive feedback.
  5. Empathy: Understanding and acknowledging the feelings and perspectives of others.

Learning Task

With a friend or family member take turns sharing a short story about your day. While one person speaks, the other should practice active listening. Once the story is finished, the listener should provide feedback about the story and what they understood. Remember to apply the elements of effective communication. Take a short video clip of you completing this learning task and submit it as evidence of completion.

Stop and Reflect

Think to yourself and/or discuss the concepts below with family and friends:

  • Which element of effective communication did you find most challenging to apply during the task and why?

Importance of Using Effective Communication Techniques:

  1. Builds Trust: Effective communication fosters a strong bond between individuals, be it in a personal or professional setting. Trust is cultivated when messages are clear, consistent, and reliable.
  2. Prevents Misunderstandings: Many conflicts arise from misunderstandings, which can often be traced back to poor communication. Proper communication techniques help in conveying ideas clearly, reducing the chances of misinterpretation.
  3. Promotes Efficiency: Especially in a professional setting, clear communication ensures that tasks are understood and executed properly, leading to increased productivity and less time wasted on clarifications.
  4. Strengthens Relationships: In personal contexts, effective communication is essential for understanding feelings, sharing experiences, and working through challenges. It’s the backbone of any strong relationship.
  5. Aids Decision Making: Clear communication is crucial for decision-making processes, ensuring all involved parties have the necessary information and understand its implications.

How Professional and Personal Communication Techniques Are Different:

  1. Objective vs. Emotional: Professional communication often focuses on objectives, tasks, and results. While emotions aren’t excluded, there’s a greater emphasis on data, facts, and logic. In contrast, personal communication often revolves around feelings, emotions, and personal experiences.
  2. Formality Levels: Professional contexts usually require a level of formality, be it in the choice of words, tone, or medium. Personal communication is more informal, allowing for colloquialisms and personal anecdotes.
  3. Tools and Mediums: Professionals often use tools like presentations, reports, and emails to communicate. In personal settings, while digital tools are used, there’s often less structure, and mediums like face-to-face chats or phone calls are more common.

How Professional and Personal Communication Techniques Are Alike:

  1. Need for Clarity: Whether discussing a project deadline or expressing feelings, clarity is vital. Misunderstandings can be costly in a professional setting and hurtful in a personal one.
  2. Active Listening: Both in the boardroom and at home, the importance of truly listening to the other party cannot be overstated. It’s essential for understanding, collaboration, and empathy.
  3. Feedback is Essential: In a professional setting, feedback helps improve performance and results. In personal relationships, it helps both parties understand each other better and grow together.
  4. Non-verbal Communication: Body language, tone, and facial expressions play a significant role in both personal and professional settings. They can often convey more than words.

Learning Task

Think of a situation where you had to communicate something important. Write down how you approached the situation. Now, list three things you would do differently if you were to communicate it again using effective techniques.

Stop and Reflect

Think to yourself and/or discuss the concepts below with family and friends:

  • How do you think the outcome from your example in the learning task above might change if you applied the improved communication techniques?

Constructing and Presenting Concise, Organized Oral Reports

When constructing an oral report, one must go beyond the mere delivery of information. The message must be adapted, tailored, and delivered in a way that resonates with the audience, ensuring the objective is met.

  1. Understanding the Audience:
    • Demographics: Knowing the age, profession, cultural background, and educational level of your audience can provide clues about their knowledge base, biases, and preferences.
    • Prior Knowledge: Assessing what the audience already knows about the topic can prevent redundancy and ensure the report adds value.
    • Needs and Interests: Recognize what the audience is looking to gain from the report. Are they seeking solutions, insights, or general knowledge?
  2. Organizing Content:
    • Introduction: This sets the stage. Begin with a hook to grab attention and outline what will be covered.
    • Body: This is the core of the report. Break it down into clear, digestible segments or points.
    • Conclusion: Summarize the key points, reiterate the importance of the topic, and possibly provide a call to action or next steps.
  3. Adapting to the Objective:
    • Inform: Provide clear, fact-based content. Avoid unnecessary jargon.
    • Persuade: Use compelling arguments, data, and possibly emotional appeals. Highlight benefits.
    • Entertain: Incorporate anecdotes, humor, and perhaps multimedia elements.
    • Inspire: Use motivational stories, powerful visuals, and a compelling narrative to evoke emotions and encourage action.
  4. Using Visual Aids:
    • Slides: These should be concise, visually appealing, and complementary to the spoken content. Avoid clutter and ensure readability.
    • Charts and Graphs: Useful for presenting data in an easily digestible format. Ensure they are labeled clearly.
    • Props: Tangible items or demonstrations can be powerful in making a point more memorable.
  5. Engaging the Audience:
    • Questions: Posing questions, either rhetorical or direct, can stimulate thought and maintain engagement.
    • Stories: Narratives or anecdotes make content relatable and memorable. They can humanize complex topics.
    • Examples: Providing practical examples can help in bridging the gap between theory and real-world application. It helps the audience relate the information to their own experiences.

In essence, a successful oral report is not just about what is said, but how it’s said and presented. It’s an art that requires an amalgamation of understanding, organization, and engagement techniques tailored for the specific audience and intended objective. Check out the example below of an oral report and what components make it effective:

Oral Report Example

Title: The Magic of H2O: Why Drinking Water is Essential for Us 


  • Hook: “Have you ever gone a day without drinking water and felt the difference in your body?”
  • Overview: “Today, we’re diving into something we all do every day – drink water. We’ll uncover why it’s essential and the surprising benefits it brings.”


1. The Role of Water in our Body:

  • Cell Function: “Every cell in our body relies on water to function. It’s like the oil in a car, keeping everything running smoothly.”
  • Digestion: “Ever had digestion issues? Water aids in breaking down food, helping us absorb nutrients.”

2. Surprising Benefits of Drinking Enough Water:

  • Boosts Energy: “Feeling tired? Before reaching for that coffee, try a glass of water. Dehydration is a common cause of fatigue.”
  • Clears Skin: “Want a natural glow? Water helps to flush out toxins, often leading to clearer skin.”
  • Weight Management: “Drinking water can make you feel full, reducing unnecessary snacking.”

3. How Much is Enough?:

  • General Rule: “While the ‘8×8’ rule, which is eight 8-ounce glasses a day, is popular, it varies based on your activity level and environment.”
  • Listening to Your Body: “The best indicator? Thirst. Also, keep an eye on the color of your urine; pale yellow indicates good hydration.”


  • Summary: “Water, the simple elixir of life, plays a myriad of roles in our body, from boosting our energy to aiding digestion.”
  • Suggestion: “Next time you feel off your game, maybe all you need is a glass of water!”

Visual Aids:

  • Slide 1: A cartoon depiction of a tired individual before and after drinking water.
  • Slide 2: A comparison chart showing skin clarity before and after consistent hydration.
  • Slide 3: A spectrum of urine colors, indicating levels of hydration.

Learning Task

Given a topic (e.g., “The Benefits of Recycling”), create a brief outline for an oral report. Think about a specific audience (e.g., children, professionals, or elderly) and adapt your content to suit their unique needs. Consider the objective of your report: Are you informing, persuading, or entertaining? Submit the outline for the report similar to the example above.

Journal Question

Reflect on your response for the prompt below in relation to effective communication. Share your insights on communicating technical information and how this can enhance interpersonal relationships and professional success. Share your reflections with the class and engage in a class discussion.

Prompt: If you were tasked with presenting technical information about one of the topics mentioned (e.g., Indigenous medicine, computer gaming, climate change) to a non-technical audience, what strategies or approaches would you use to simplify the information and make it more understandable and engaging for the audience?

Exemplary (4)
Accomplished (3)
Developing (2)
Beginning (1)
Strong voice and tone that clearly addresses the purpose for writing. Appropriate voice and tone. The purpose is largely clear. Attempts to use personal voice and tone. Somewhat addresses the intended purpose. Demonstrates limited awareness of use of voice and tone. Limited evidence of intended purpose.
Many interesting, specific facts and ideas are included. Many facts and ideas are included. Some facts and ideas are included. Few facts and ideas are included.
All grammar and spelling is correct. Only one or two grammar and spelling errors. A few grammar and spelling errors. Many grammar and spelling errors.
Made two significant contributions to the class discussion. Highly supportive of others. Made one contribution to the class discussion.  Supported group members. Attempted to contribute to the class discussion but was vague and unclear in the contribution. Minimally involved. Offered limited support to classmates.


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Chapter 1: Workplace Communication (Verbal and Written) Copyright © by Michael Hrycay and Aydrian Hayes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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