33 Lock Out Tag Out

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize a situation requiring lock out/tag out
  • Recall procedures of lock out/tag out

Key Question

How can I safely fix or maintain electrical equipment?


When equipment is stopped for maintenance or repair, accidents can happen if the power source is still activated or can accidentally be activated, setting the machine into motion. Accidental start-up of machines is a major cause of serious injuries, including amputations, and fatalities. “Lockout” is the process of safeguarding against this.


The purpose of lockout is to protect an employee working in a confined space, on a machine, or on moving equipment.

Video Exercise

Established Procedures

Your employer must have an established safe working procedure which includes the following instructions:

  1. MAKE SURE that you possess an individually numbered lock and key if you are required to work on moving equipment or enter a confined space, vessel or machine.
  2. SHUT OFF the machine or equipment, then disengage all sources of power and lock them in the OFF position.
  3. BLOCK or otherwise immobilize mobile equipment and devices that are likely to fall.
  4. RELEASE the buildup of air, hydraulic, steam or gas pressure and ground electric charge buildup before starting work.
  5. LOCK valves and switches. Some employers may require that the supervisor attach his/her lock too.
  6. RELEASE any tension or pressure, such as springs on a mechanism, where possible.
  7. NOTIFY users that work is being done on the machine or equipment.
  8. INSTALL your personal lock on the control devices or on the “Lockout Board” provided.
  9. CHECK by pushing the start button or switch to ensure that the correct switch has been disconnected.
  10. ENSURE that neither the lock nor the signs can be easily removed.
  11. FOLLOW procedures in compliance with legislated safety requirements.
  12. DO NOT have another person remove your padlock or block signs.
  13. DO NOT restart a machine unless all safeguards are in place.

True or False

SIGA Hazardous Lock Out Program

Every organization has a lock out tag out procedure specific to their organization. SIGA has established a Hazardous Lock Out Program for this purpose (Hazardous Energy Control Lock Out Program – BW version). Take some time to go through SIGA’s policies and procedures related this in detail using the link above.

Lockout Devices and Associated Hardware

Every employee and/or person in charge must place his/her own padlock on the appropriate switch or valve. The only positive method of protecting employees from the hazards associated with inadvertent starting of machines, equipment or processes, is to lock the controls in the “OFF” position, and to have a separate single keyed lock for each person.

1. Each employee will be provided with a padlock, numbered to properly identify it as his/her property.

2. One key only for each padlock shall exist. The key will be in the possession of the employee who is responsible for it.

3. The owner of the designated lock is the only person permitted to remove the lock from an energy-isolating device.

4. Only fiberglass non-conducting ladders may be used when performing any type of work related to the Hazardous Energy Control Lockout Policy and Program.

Information Tags

Shall be placed on all energy-isolating devices. Each employee that locks out or renders a piece of machinery or equipment inoperable, is responsible to record three pieces of information on the information tag:

  • Date of tag lockout;
  • Reason for the lockout; and
  • Name of employee who de-energized and locked out the equipment.


Elements of Energy Control
Preparations for Lockout NOTIFY – the Facilities Manager (Electrician-Central Office) or in their absence the Manager on Duty (Property Manager – Central Office) on equipment pertinent to the operation of the facility. This is a MUST before undertaking any of the activities on any type of machine, equipment or process.

Notify all affected employees and/or the supervisor in the area that a Lockout System is going to be performed and the reason thereof. All authorized employees shall know the type and magnitude of energy that the machine or equipment utilizes, and the hazards associated.

Machine, Equipment, or Process Shutdown Use the normal stopping procedure for the equipment being serviced. This may be putting a switch in the “off” position or pressing a “stop push button”. It may involve a more complex operation.
Machine, Equipment, or Process Shutdown Carefully isolate the system from every energy source supplying it. Close valves, de-energize main disconnect switches or circuit breakers.

It must be noted, the extreme importance of practicing the “Left Hand Rule” when de-energizing and especially energizing an electrical disconnect switch; standing to the right side of the switch, activate the handle with the left hand while facing away from the switch.

Application of Lockout Devices Attach a lock and tag to the energy-isolating device to prevent someone from restoring the flow of energy. Any personal lock shall be installed and removed only by the owner. The only key to the lock shall remain in the possession of the owner at all times. Any Lockout devices i.e. ball valve, circuit breaker, plug lockout device shall be installed at this time.
Store Energy (De-energization) Once the necessary lockout devices have been applied, relieve, disconnect or restrain any residual hazardous energy that could be present, check that all moving parts have stopped turning, relieve trapped pressure, blank pipe flanges (Confined Space Entry), block or support any elevated equipment.
Verification of Isolation Ensure that all employees are clear of the Lockout area. Test to make sure the right system has been locked out and cannot be operated, do these by pressing all start buttons or other activating controls, and then returns them to the “off” position – this will prevent the equipment from being started by itself when energy is restored.
Release from Lockout (Re-energization) When work has been completed, be sure the equipment is operationally intact, and that tools and other non-essential items are cleared. Inform affected employees and/or the supervisor of the area that locks and tags will be removed. Conduct a head count to be sure that everyone is clear of the area. Remove Lockout devices, each worker must remove his or her own lock. Follow the equipment or machines start – up procedure. Perform a test run to ensure it functions as planned. Notify affected employees and/or the supervisor of the area that the equipment or machine is ready for use.

SIGA Forms

The following forms will be completed by workers.

Lock Out Device Removal Form

Hazardous Lock Out Program Acknowledgement Form

Permit to Work + Hot Work


SIGA Maintenance Worker Prep Copyright © by hrycaym. All Rights Reserved.

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