
Technical Overview

Learning Outcomes

1. Describe overhead distribution systems.

2. Describe pole structures, framing, guys and anchors.

3. Describe underground distribution systems.

Course Hours

This course will have 18 instructional hours.


This course will be assessed on a pass/fail basis. This course is taught combined with the PLT Work Areas Course.


SaskPower Level 1

Course Description

This course outlines the key topics you would be exposed to in a formal apprenticeship program. These topics include objects you will use in building powerline systems: insulators, conductors, poles and transformers. Throughout the course, you will encounter review and tests, in class demonstrations, and an out of class learning excursion where you will get firsthand experience.


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Powerline Tech Prep Program Manual Copyright © by Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies-Trades and Industrial is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.