Lesson 3:


  • Identify cultural differences within your community
  • Describe the benefits of cultural sensitivity
  • Discuss practical tools to excel in cross-cultural communication and customer service
  • Explain the benefit of connecting amid differences

Embracing Cultural Differences in the Workplace

Having a diverse workforce is beneficial but can also be challenging for managers as they try to create a workplace where people from different backgrounds can find common ground. Understanding cultural differences is crucial to facilitate effective communication and promote a positive work environment that values people from all cultures. By recognizing and addressing cultural differences, managers can mediate conflicts and provide relevant motivation to each employee.

Note: (Winston Sieck, 2021)

Note: CC0 Public Domain

The different types of cultural differences in the workplace include generational, ethnic, religious, and educational differences. Here are some examples of each:

  • Generational Differences:
    • Baby Boomers and their ideas about professionalism, collaboration, communication, leadership, work ethic and workplace culture.
    • Millennials and their values around work-life balance and consistent opportunities for growth.
  • Ethnic Differences:
    • Direct vs. indirect communication in the workplace based on cultural background.
    • Different expectations around leadership and opportunities.
    • Different languages can also be from ethnic cultural backgrounds. This also includes slang and non-verbal communication.
  • Religious Differences:
    • Religious affiliation and its impact on values and workplace behavior.
    • Need for respectful policies that uphold fair standards of conduct.
  • Educational Differences:
    • Educational background and its impact on cultural capital used in problem-solving.
    • Hiring for positions based on education or equivalent work experience leading to drastically different educational backgrounds on the same team.

These differences can affect dress code, feedback, communication, and teamwork. To manage cultural differences, managers can:

  • Learn about their employees
    Take the time to learn about the individual experiences that each of your team members brings to the workplace. This will enable you to understand their cultural norms and make appropriate accommodations while maintaining respectful boundaries.
  • Host diversity training
    Make it mandatory for employees to participate in diversity training to create a more inclusive environment. This will equip them with the necessary skills to collaborate effectively with colleagues from diverse backgrounds.
  • Acknowledge holidays and celebrations
    Avoid assuming that all employees observe the same national and religious holidays. Treat cultural holidays with equal respect and celebrate them equitably, demonstrating that you value everyone’s beliefs equally.

Note: (Winston Sieck, 2021)

Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity is crucial in the public works and housing management sector, where interactions with a diverse range of individuals and groups are common. It means that you are aware and accepting of cultural differences, withholding judgment of cross-cultural practices, and dealing effectively with these differences.

Having a cultural sensitivity mindset can help public works and housing management professionals to better understand and communicate with colleagues, customers, and community members. This can help to build trust and respect, ultimately leading to better outcomes for all involved. For instance, understanding the nuances of a culture, such as communication styles and customs, can make all the difference in effective communication and problem-solving. Respect for cultural differences can also help to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace, which can benefit the morale and productivity of employees (Winston Sieck, 2021)

Cultural Sensitivity Development

In today’s diverse workplaces, managing diversity has become a key skill for successful organizations. To achieve this, promoting cultural engagement competencies and improving cultural awareness can be effective in creating a positive and productive environment. Providing employees with the necessary skills, knowledge, and capabilities can help them overcome cultural barriers and work together towards shared objectives. This approach can reduce the likelihood of cultural conflicts and enable teams to better serve a wider range of customers and colleagues (DeakinCo, 2023).

Here are five ways to promote cultural awareness in the workplace (DeakinCo, 2023):

  1. Invest in global citizenship training (professional development)
    Building cultural knowledge of employees through workshops to develop cultural awareness capability, communication skills, business etiquette, negotiation skills, and marketing skills.
  2. Promote culturally sensitive communication skills
    Encouraging effective communication with an understanding of the local culture to prevent misunderstandings and build stronger relationships.
  3. Promote good manners in employees
    Demonstrating polite and respectful behaviour by using appropriate language and being aware of cultural differences when it comes to formality.
  4. Celebrate your colleagues’ traditional holidays
    Celebrating different holidays and festivals to increase awareness and understanding of different cultures and traditions, which can help to break down barriers and promote cross-cultural communication.
  5. Listen to foreign clients and colleagues
    Listening with an open mind and observing the attitudes and behaviours of culturally diverse customers and colleagues to understand different customs and perspectives, and prevent cultural conflict.

Benefits of Cultural Awareness

  1. Establish Cultural Guidelines and Policies
    Creating and implementing policies and guidelines surrounding diversity and cultural awareness is a critical step in the public works and housing management sector. By setting clear rules for ethical behavior and interactions among employees of diverse backgrounds, you can ensure that everyone understands what is acceptable.

    TIP: It’s important to review and integrate local anti-discrimination laws into company policies, ensuring that all members of the team, from leadership to frontline employees, are aware of what constitutes discrimination.

  2. Embrace Diversity and Celebrate Different Cultures
    Diversity is an opportunity for employees in the public works and housing management sector to learn about and appreciate different cultures. Actively listening to your employees’ stories about their heritage and asking questions can expand your knowledge about their background. Acknowledge and celebrate differences by organizing events to celebrate cultural or religious holidays.

    TIP: Food is also an excellent way to learn about different cultures. Consider organizing potluck events where employees can share traditional dishes from their culture. This provides an opportunity to learn more about each other’s culture while enjoying delicious food.

  3. Communicate Effectively and Avoid Misunderstandings
    Miscommunication and misunderstandings often lead to conflicts in the public works and housing management sector. Different cultures may have varying communication styles and norms, such as different greetings or body language. It’s important to research the communication norms of colleagues, partners, and clients from other parts of the world to understand these cues and avoid misunderstandings.
  4. Learn from Differences
    Cultural awareness in the public works and housing management sector involves recognizing and understanding one’s own cultural background and how it shapes behavior. By understanding cultural differences and similarities, you can gain insight into different perspectives and better serve diverse communities. Encourage employees to share their experiences and perspectives to promote a more inclusive workplace.

Watch: HELLO – a short film about tolerance & diversity 

Journal Question

Using the forum labelled “Course 1: Chapter 2” make a journal entry responding to the prompt below. Ensure that you title the entry “Lesson 3”. After writing a journal entry, go and make a comment on two other posts from your classmates. It can be about anything you noticed, liked, agreed with etc. The idea is to continue the dialogue about the topic.

Prompt: In the short film “Hello – a short film about Tolerance and Diversity” the concept of “hello” was shared. Using the video and the content from this lesson, respond to the following prompts:

  • In what ways do you think using the word “hello” can promote tolerance and diversity in the workplace in your community? Can a simple greeting really make a difference? Why or why not?
  • How might using “hello” to employees and coworkers from different backgrounds help to create a more inclusive workplace culture? What are some of the potential benefits of this approach? Are there any downsides or challenges you can think of?
  • Have you ever experienced a situation where you felt excluded or unwelcome in the workplace because of your background or identity? How might a simple greeting like “hello” have made a difference in that situation? What are some other strategies you might use to promote tolerance and diversity in the workplace, in addition to using inclusive language?

*View the journal entry and journal comment rubric to see how they will be marked

Works Cited:

Indeed. (n.d.). How to manage cultural differences in the workplace. Retrieved from https://www.indeed.com/hire/c/info/cultural-differences

DeakinCo. (2023, March 16). Seven Practices You Can Implement to Increase Cultural Awareness in the Workplace. https://deakinco.com/resource/seven-practices-you-can-implement-to-increase-cultural-awareness-in-the-workplace/

Sieck, W. (2021, September 21). What is Cultural Sensitivity? Global Cognition. https://www.globalcognition.org/what-is-cultural-sensitivity/

Galapate, Richard (2019). Hello – a short film about tolerance and diversity [Video]. YouTube. The Economist. (2019, August 15). Is the American Dream still alive? [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/3AQ7yC5jQ28


Indigenous Public Works and Housing Management Copyright © by Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies. All Rights Reserved.

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