Chapter Essential Questions

  • What are the key elements of customer service in public works and housing management occupations?
  • Why is the way you communicate with customers important?

Lesson 1:


  • Define the elements of good customer service
  • Explain the impact of customer service on your role and organization
  • Identify essential customer service skills
  • Discuss strategies for success in customer service
  • Identify internal and external customers
  • Understand Chief and Council responsibilities, including managing public works and housing customers.

What is customer service?

Customer service is a crucial element in any organization, as it can greatly impact the success of the organization and the satisfaction of its customers. To provide good customer service, it is essential to understand its elements.

Good customer service involves various elements, including empathy, effective communication, and problem-solving skills. Empathy allows customer service representatives to understand and relate to their customers’ needs and concerns. Effective communication ensures that customers receive clear and accurate information about products or services. Problem-solving skills enable customer service representatives to address issues and resolve complaints in a timely and effective manner.

Internal Vs. External Customers

Internal Customers External Customers
In the public works and housing management sectors, an internal customer is someone within the organization who depends on the services or products provided by another department or colleague within the same organization. On the other hand, an external customer is someone outside the organization who receives services or products from the organization.
For example, in a public works department, the staff in the maintenance department may be considered internal customers of the engineering department, as they depend on the engineering department to provide plans and specifications for repairs and upgrades. For example, in the housing management sector, tenants of a public housing complex are considered external customers of the housing authority that manages the complex.

It’s important to identify both internal and external customers in order to ensure that the needs of all stakeholders are met and to maintain effective communication and collaboration within the organization.

Chief and Council

Note: CC Public Domain

As a public works and housing manager working in Indigenous communities, the Chief, council and all other band members must be considered. As leaders, the Chief and Council hold responsibility for overseeing a range of community activities, such as Social Services, Health, Public Works, Administration, Economic Development, and other necessary services. To ensure the successful completion of these tasks, the Chief and Council may delegate their powers and responsibilities to a board or committee.

A Public Works and Housing management position is accountable for delivering services in accordance with the direction of Chief and Council through strategic plans, business plans, and agreements with other governments. They are responsible for planning, organizing, staffing, controlling, and directing employees to achieve the goals set by Council.

The Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Saskatchewan (AFOA Saskatchewan) provides some helpful information on the many responsibilities of the Chief and council. It is important for managers to understand these duties, so that everyone works together in an effective and respectful way.


Responsibilities of the Chief:

  • Consult with band members regularly and seek their direction
  • Report to council on Chief and Council activities regularly
  • Ensure regular Council meetings are held
  • Report to Council on Chief’s activities
  • Act as primary spokesperson for Council and Nation with other organizations and governments
  • Serve as ex-officio of Council committees
  • Provide direction and leadership to Council and be accountable to membership and Council
  • Lead negotiator for Council on new initiatives from Federal and Provincial Governments
  • Conduct business in an open and transparent manner
  • Honor all motions, resolutions, policies, and procedures passed at Council Meetings
  • Work closely with senior officials of the Administration
  • Represent the community at special functions
  • Assign responsibilities to Council
  • Protect Treaty rights of the community

Responsibilities of the Councilors’:

  • Consult with membership regularly and seek their direction
  • Regularly report to membership on Chief and Council activities
  • Represent Council on authorized committees and boards
  • Act as authorized spokesperson for Council
  • Act as chairperson during Council meetings as authorized or delegated
  • Report to Council on own activities
  • Work with Administration for sound financial management of the Nation
  • Approve annual budget and work plan of the Nation
  • Conduct business in an open and transparent manner, accountable to membership
  • Honor all motions, resolutions, policies, and procedures passed at Council Meetings
  • Provide direction to senior official of the Administration.

Note: (McManus, 2019), (AFOASK)

Customer Service Strategies

One effective strategy for remembering to incorporate the various elements of customer service in your interactions is called the LEAST method. By keeping in mind, the acronym L.E.A.S.T , which stands for Listen, Empathize, Apologize, Solve and Thank, a manager can be sure tackle customer service challenges effectively.

L – Firstly, actively listen to your customers by repeating their concern to show that you understand.

E – Secondly, demonstrate genuine concern and put yourself in the customer’s shoes.

A – Thirdly, offer a sincere apology, and let the customer know that you’re happy to help fix the issue.

S – Fourthly, find the best possible solution to the problem, even if it can’t be resolved immediately.

T – Finally, thank the customer for bringing the issue to your attention and for being a customer.

Note: CC Public Domain

To ensure that your employees can respond properly to customer service requests, provide them with training on the LEAST technique and the autonomy to make good decisions. It’s important to support your employees, even if they make mistakes, and discuss the matter privately. Empowering your employees to solve problems and knowing that they have management’s backing will enable them to provide excellent service. Additionally, ensure that your customer service training teaches employees to recognize situations that require management involvement.

As a manager, training your employees empowers them by providing them with the tools to be successful in their duties, which includes effective customer service. Customer service impacts every individual’s role within an organization. Regardless of the position held, each employee has a responsibility to ensure that customers’ needs are met, and their experiences are positive. Providing good customer service can lead to increased customer satisfaction, which can result in repeat business, positive word-of-mouth marketing, and an overall positive reputation for the organization/department.

Watch here for 6 tips for providing great customer service: 6 Tips For Improving Your Customer Service Skills

Note: (6 Tips For Improving Your Customer Service Skills | Indeed Career Tips 2022)

Essential Customer Service Skills

Public works and housing management customers require specialized customer service skills. These customers often have unique needs and concerns, and it is important to address them effectively.

To provide good customer service, it is essential to have four key skills:

  1. Communication: Effective communication ensures that customers receive clear and accurate information.
  2. Problem-solving: Problem-solving skills enable managers and employees to address issues and resolve complaints.
  3. Empathy: Empathy allows managers and employees to understand and relate to their customers’ needs and concerns.
  4. Time management: Time management skills enable managers and employees to handle customer inquiries and complaints in a timely manner.

1. Communication

Effective communication is crucial for customer service. It involves listening to the customer’s needs and communicating how you plan to meet those needs. Customer service communication includes everyday situations. Communication is not just an important part of customer service for public works and housing managers; it is the most important part. This is because good customer service requires listening to the needs of residents and then telling them how you plan to meet those needs — in other words, communicating with your customers.


Note: CC Public Domain

In the past, Indigenous community members obtained information through traditional methods like visiting, storytelling, or sharing a feast. However, today, with the advent of social networking platforms like Facebook, chat rooms, Twitter, and emails, the youth of the community have adopted these technologies as their primary means of sharing information. It is important for managers to adapt to modern methods of communicating in order to communicate with the community (AFOASK, 2023).

Examples of customer service communication in public works and housing management include:

  • When a resident contacts the maintenance department to report a leaky faucet, the maintenance worker must communicate with the resident about the issue and how it will be resolved.
  • When a new resident moves in, the leasing office must communicate information about the lease agreement, the move-in process, and any community rules or regulations.
  • When a resident submits a complaint about noise from a neighboring unit, the property management team must communicate with both residents to resolve the issue.
  • When the public works department needs to conduct road work that will temporarily disrupt traffic, they must communicate the details of the project and alternate routes to affected residents and drivers.
  • When a water utility company needs to shut off water service to a neighborhood for maintenance, they must communicate the schedule and duration of the outage to affected residents.

Effective communication with residents can bring several benefits to public works and housing management organizations, including:

  • Building trust with residents, which can increase their satisfaction with the community and encourage them to continue living there.
  • Showing residents that their needs and concerns are being heard and addressed can improve resident loyalty and retention.
  • Encouraging residents to bring problems to the attention of management, which can help to address issues before they escalate and cause more significant problems.
  • Creating a positive reputation for the organization as one that is transparent and responsive to residents’ needs.

To improve communication with residents, public works and housing management organizations should consider the following strategies:

  • Provide clear and accurate information to customers in a timely manner.
  • Use positive and respectful language when communicating with customers, even when addressing complaints or issues.
  • Ensure that customers are informed about what services are available and how to access them.
  • Be proactive in addressing potential issues or concerns before they become bigger problems.
  • Follow up with customers to ensure their needs have been met and that they are satisfied with the outcome.

Note: (Harness, 2019)

2. Problem Solving

Note: CC Public Domain

Public works and housing management positions also rely heavily on all staff and employees to resolve customer problems. Managers require staff and employees who are confident and capable of working through steps to resolve and satisfy a customer’s needs. Problem-solving training is usually emphasized when starting a new job, and customer service skills training will likely describe the steps that need to be taken to solve the customer’s problem.

Effective communication is key in resolving customer issues. The first step is to listen attentively and understand the nature of the problem and its impact on the customer. This allows you to see things from the customer’s perspective and offer solutions that match their needs. Showing empathy is also important, as it helps the customer feel heard and understood. Once you understand the problem, confirm what you have heard and express empathy. This ensures that you are on the same page and helps the customer feel valued.

In situations where customer oversight was the only issue, a specific remedy may not be necessary. However, when your department or service makes a mistake, resolution is important for customer retention and positive word-of-mouth. You need to offer alternative remedies to suit the situation, such as offering a discount on a future purchase (if applicable) or providing an additional service. Going above and beyond to offer extra products or services can also show the customer that you value their business and care about their satisfaction.

Once a solution is agreed upon, it’s important to execute it promptly. This includes fixing the issue and providing any additional remedies. Following up is also crucial to ensure the customer is satisfied with the outcome and to prevent negative word-of-mouth from spreading. By taking these steps, public works and housing management positions can improve their customer service and create positive experiences for their customers.

Note: (Chron Contributor, 2021)

3. Empathy

Empathy is crucial in public works and housing management roles, as it enables managers to better understand the needs and concerns of their customers and stakeholders. By putting themselves in the shoes of the people they serve, managers can establish trust, build positive relationships, and improve customer satisfaction. Customers and stakeholders in public works and housing management are people, with emotions, personalities, and unique situations. They can get frustrated, upset, or angry when they encounter problems with public works projects or housing units. When this happens, they need someone to listen to them without judgment or hostility.

Note: CC Public Domain

Empathy in public works and housing management helps managers understand how their customers and stakeholders feel and view the situation from their perspective. When managers can do this, they can better understand what their customers and stakeholders are saying (and not saying) and be in a better position to help solve their problems. Empathy also helps managers to establish friendlier relationships with customers and stakeholders, identify their needs, and manage conflicts better. This, in turn, helps to increase customer satisfaction, stakeholder engagement, and build loyalty.

While it may be challenging to maintain empathy in a fast-paced public works and housing management environment, it is a skill that can be coached and developed. By investing in empathy training for managers and staff, organizations can create a culture that prioritizes empathy, leading to better outcomes for customers, stakeholders, and the community.

Note: (Baker, 2022)

4. Time Management

Effective time management is crucial for public works and housing managers who face many daily challenges. With these expert-suggested time management tips, managers can improve productivity and avoid burnout:

  1. Stay informed about common issues faced by residents: Residents may not always be able to identify the problems they are facing, and it falls on the public works and housing staff to analyze and resolve issues as quickly and efficiently as possible. To collect feedback from residents, you can create an online form using online form builder tools (Ex. Google Forms is free and easy to use!)
  2. Work within a timeframe: Setting a timeframe for every meeting or discussion can help managers be more efficient. If a conversation with a resident is taking too long, politely cut the conversation short and get to the point. Emphasizing the value of residents’ time will not only save time but also improve customer satisfaction.
  3. Use a time tracking tool: Time tracking is an effective way to control time usage. By keeping precise records of hours spent on different activities and analyzing performance results, managers can identify inefficiencies and improve productivity. Consider adopting a simple yet powerful time tracking tool like actiTIME.
  4. Delegate tasks: Managers don’t have to do everything themselves. Delegating tasks to other team members who are responsible and well-trained can improve efficiency and reduce workload. Providing clear guidelines and being open to discussions can ensure that goals are achieved within specified time limits.
  5. Take breaks: Taking small breaks during the workday is essential for maintaining productivity. Public works and housing managers can schedule their day to ensure that break times are marked out. By identifying the most productive hours of the day, managers can schedule important tasks during those hours.

Note: (actiTIME, 2022)

Note: CC Public Domain

Success in customer service requires a variety of strategies, including actively listening to customers, being responsive to their needs, and maintaining a positive attitude. Customer service representatives should also aim to resolve issues quickly and efficiently and be willing to go above and beyond to meet customers’ needs. Ongoing training and development can help managers and their employees build and refine their skills, leading to improved customer satisfaction and greater organizational success.


Journal Question

Using the forum labelled “Course 1: Chapter 2” make a journal entry responding to the prompt below. Ensure that you title the entry “Lesson 1”. After writing a journal entry, go and make a comment on two other posts from your classmates. It can be about anything you noticed, liked, agreed with etc. The idea is to continue the dialogue about the topic.

Prompt: Think about a time when you were either a customer of a public works or housing management service, or in a management role for services being provided. Describe your experience, including the level of customer service you received or provided. What did you like about the service you received or provided? What could have been improved? Based on your experience, what are some important factors that make for good customer service in the public works and housing management sectors? How might the principles of the L.E.A.S.T acronym (Listen, Empathize, Apologize, Solve, and Thank) be applied in these contexts? Reflect on how you can incorporate these insights into your own interactions with customers in the future.

*View the journal entry and journal comment rubric to see how they will be marked

Works Cited:

Ready Training Online. (n.d.). Customer service training: Tips, best practices, and more. Retrieved from https://readytrainingonline.com/articles/customer-service/

YouTube. (2022). 6 Tips For Improving Your Customer Service Skills | Indeed Career Tips. YouTube. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq7Z2i7m57Y.

Harness, J. (2019, July 29). The importance of communication in customer service. Bizfluent. Retrieved from https://bizfluent.com/about-6747061-importance-communication-customer-service.html

Chron Contributor. (2021, August 17). Problem-Solving Steps for Customer Service. Work Chron. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from https://work.chron.com/problem-solving-steps-customer-service-20738.html

Baker, E. (2022, July 5). Empathy in customer service: Definition, examples & training. Kaizo. https://kaizo.com/blog/empathy-in-customer-service/

actiTIME. (2022, October 27). 5 Time Management Tips for Customer Service Teams. Retrieved from https://www.actitime.com/time-management/time-management-tips-for-customer-service-teams

McManus, J. (2019). Internal and external customers: what’s the difference? Retrieved from https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/internal-customers.asp

Afoask. (2023). Home. Retrieved from https://www.afoask.ca/


Indigenous Public Works and Housing Management Copyright © by Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies. All Rights Reserved.

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