Lesson 3:


  • Explain the purpose and structure of a maintenance work plan
  • Highlight the role of a maintenance management system, considering priority, schedule, goals, costs, inventory, and budget.
  • Create a model of a 3-year community-specific maintenance plan.
  • Discuss the role of regular maintenance and upkeep in preserving community resources and fostering community pride

Purpose of a Maintenance Work Plan

A maintenance work plan outlines the tasks needed to ensure the upkeep of properties and assets within a housing community. Its primary purpose is to help prolong the life of housing assets, ensuring they remain safe and comfortable for residents. It assists in scheduling and budgeting for both routine and preventative maintenance activities, ensuring these tasks are conducted efficiently and effectively.

Structure of a Maintenance Work Plan

A maintenance work plan typically includes:

  1. Asset Inventory: A list of all housing assets requiring maintenance.
  2. Maintenance Tasks: A list of routine and preventative maintenance tasks for each asset.
  3. Schedule: A timeline indicating when each maintenance task should be performed.
  4. Responsible Parties: Designation of who will perform each task.
  5. Budget: An estimate of the costs associated with each maintenance task.

Example of a Good Maintenance Work Plan

Here’s an example of what a portion of a maintenance work plan for a small housing community might look like:


Maintenance Task


Responsible Party

Estimated Cost

House 1

Roof Inspection


Maintenance Team


House 2

Lawn Mowing


Landscaping Team



Trash Pickup


Cleaning Crew


Community Hall

HVAC System Maintenance


HVAC Specialist


A well-crafted maintenance work plan contributes to the longevity of housing assets, saves costs in the long run, ensures a safer living environment for residents, and helps preserve the aesthetic appeal of the community.

As a best practice, the maintenance work plan should be reviewed and updated periodically to accommodate changes in the community’s needs or housing assets’ conditions. Involving community members in the planning process can also help ensure that the plan addresses their needs and concerns effectively.

Role of a Maintenance Management System

A maintenance management system is a tool or process that helps housing managers plan, track, and manage maintenance tasks. It helps in prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and the assets’ condition, ensuring that critical maintenance tasks are not overlooked. A maintenance management system also helps in scheduling maintenance activities to avoid conflicts, keep track of maintenance costs, manage maintenance inventory, and ensure that maintenance tasks align with the budget.

Three-Year Community-Specific Maintenance Plan

A three-year maintenance plan extends the outlook of a standard maintenance work plan. It enables housing managers to plan for and budget more significant maintenance or renovation projects that may not be completed within a single year.

Here’s a simplified example of what a three-year maintenance plan could look like:

*Remember, a real-world plan would be much more detailed, including all community assets and a comprehensive list of all maintenance tasks.



Maintenance Task


Responsible Party

Estimated Cost


House 1

Roof Inspection


Maintenance Team



House 2

HVAC System Maintenance

Q1, Q3

HVAC Specialist

$500 per visit


Community Center

Floor Waxing

Q2, Q4

Cleaning Crew

$300 per visit



Equipment Inspection


Maintenance Team



House 3

Roof Inspection


Maintenance Team



House 4

HVAC System Maintenance

Q1, Q3

HVAC Specialist

$500 per visit


Community Center

Fire Safety Check


Safety Team




Equipment Replacement


Maintenance Team



House 5

Roof Inspection


Maintenance Team



House 6

HVAC System Maintenance

Q1, Q3

HVAC Specialist

$500 per visit


Community Center

Electrical Inspection






Safety Surface Top-Up


Maintenance Team


This maintenance plan would be accompanied by a document that further breaks down the tasks and includes contingency plans in case of unforeseen issues. Also, it would be revised annually to account for changes in the community’s needs and asset conditions.

These costs are also just examples and would vary greatly depending on various factors such as the actual state of the asset, local cost of labor and materials, etc. It’s crucial to regularly reassess these estimates to keep your budget accurate and up-to-date.

Role of Regular Maintenance and Upkeep in Preserving Community Resources and Fostering Community Pride

Regular maintenance and upkeep of housing assets are crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps preserve community resources by extending the life of housing assets, preventing premature wear and tear, and avoiding costly repairs or replacements. Secondly, well-maintained housing can foster community pride. A clean, well-maintained housing community not only enhances the quality of life of its residents but also engenders a sense of ownership, responsibility, and pride in the community.

A well-maintained housing community also promotes healthier living conditions. Regular maintenance can prevent issues like mold growth, infestations, or structural problems that could harm residents’ health. Furthermore, by ensuring that homes and community spaces are safe and accessible, maintenance contributes to the overall well-being of residents, especially the elderly, children, and those with mobility issues.

Moreover, maintenance work can have economic benefits for the community. It provides employment opportunities, particularly if the community has a dedicated maintenance team. It also helps safeguard the community’s financial investments in its housing assets.

The regular upkeep of community housing is also a visible sign of effective management, which can increase confidence among residents and potential funders. It shows that the housing management is proactive, responsible, and committed to providing a high standard of living for its residents.

To summarize, regular maintenance and upkeep are about more than just preserving physical assets. They are essential aspects of community development, promoting health, safety, pride, economic opportunity, and community confidence.

Let’s consider an example:

For instance, imagine a First Nations community where housing assets are well-maintained. The houses are safe, comfortable, and culturally relevant; the community center is clean and well-equipped; the playground is fun and safe for children. Regular maintenance tasks, such as roof inspections, HVAC system maintenance, and safety checks, are carried out as planned. This community would likely be a place where residents are proud to live. They would feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for their homes and communal spaces, leading to increased community participation and cohesion. Furthermore, the community’s well-maintained condition could attract additional funding for new projects or initiatives, contributing to continued community development.

Journal Question

Using the forum labelled “Course 3: Chapter 2” make a journal entry responding to the prompt below. Ensure that you title the entry “Lesson 3”. After writing a journal entry, go and make a comment on two other posts from your classmates. It can be about anything you noticed, liked, agreed with etc. The idea is to continue the dialogue about the topic.







Strong voice and tone that clearly addresses the purpose for writing.

Appropriate voice and tone. The purpose is largely clear.

Attempts to use personal voice and tone. Somewhat addresses the intended purpose.

Demonstrates limited awareness of use of voice and tone. Limited evidence of intended purpose.


Many interesting, specific facts and ideas are included.

Many facts and ideas are included.

Some facts and ideas are included.

Few facts and ideas are included.


All grammar and spelling is correct.

Only one or two grammar and spelling errors.

A few grammar and spelling errors.

Many grammar and spelling errors.


Made two significant contributions to the online forum. Highly supportive of others.

Made one contribution to the online forum. Supported group members.

Attempted to contribute to online forum but was vague and unclear in the writing.

Minimally involved. Offered limited support to online group members.

Prompt: Reflect on the importance of regular maintenance in your community. How does it impact residents’ pride and well-being?

Works Cited


Indigenous Public Works and Housing Management Copyright © by Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies. All Rights Reserved.

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