Lesson 9: Understanding Committee Dynamics and Roles in Collaborative Decision-Making


  • Recognize the importance of serving on a committee and the dynamics of working with members and a chair.
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of committee members, the composition of committees, and the processes involved in establishing committee mandates.
  • Discuss the operational aspects of committee meetings and how they typically function.

Working on Committees: Roles, Responsibilities and Dynamics

Importance of Serving on a Committee

Serving on a committee, such as a housing committee, is an important role, particularly within the context of First Nations communities. Committees bring together individuals with diverse skills and perspectives to work towards a common goal. Members can contribute to the decision-making process, help develop and implement strategies, and drive actions to address community needs. Committee service fosters collaboration, teamwork, and community engagement, which are vital for community development.

The dynamics of working with other members and the chair of the committee involve effective communication, mutual respect, and understanding each member’s role. Building a productive relationship with the chair and other members can contribute to the committee’s overall effectiveness and the successful implementation of decisions.


Serving on a committee can take many forms and involve different kinds of work. Here are a few examples:

  • Housing Policy Development
    A housing committee member might contribute to the creation of housing policies for the community. This could involve researching existing housing needs, drafting policy proposals, discussing these proposals with other committee members, and revising them based on committee feedback.
  • Project Planning
    A committee member could be involved in planning housing projects. They might work with others to define the scope of the project, set goals and timelines, identify necessary resources, and develop a plan for project implementation.
  • Funding Advocacy
    A member of a housing committee could be tasked with advocating for funding from external organizations. They might prepare funding applications, represent the committee in meetings with potential funders, or organize community events to raise funds.
  • Community Engagement
    A housing committee member might lead efforts to engage the community in housing initiatives. This could include organizing community meetings, seeking community input on housing plans, and communicating about the committee’s work.
  • Inter-Committee Collaboration
    In larger First Nations communities, there might be multiple committees working on different aspects of community life. A member of the housing committee might liaise with these other committees to ensure alignment of goals, coordination of activities, and sharing of resources.


In terms of the dynamics of working with the committee chair and other members, examples could include:

  • Clear Communication
    A committee member might use tools such as email, shared documents, or group messaging to share information, discuss issues, and keep everyone updated about their work.
  • Mutual Respect
    A committee member might show respect for others by listening attentively to their views, acknowledging their contributions, and treating them with courtesy and kindness.
  • Understanding Roles
    A committee member might take the time to understand their role and the roles of others on the committee. They might also ask for clarification when they are not sure about something and offer help when others are struggling.
  • Productive Relationship with the Chair
    A committee member might build a good relationship with the chair by providing them with regular updates, seeking their advice on issues, and supporting them in their role as the leader of the committee.

Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members

The composition of committees typically includes a mix of community members, each with a defined role. While roles can vary depending on the committee’s nature and mandate, common roles include:

  1. Chair: Oversees meetings, sets agendas, facilitates discussions, and ensures the committee stays focused on its objectives.
  2. Secretary: Records the minutes of meetings, tracks action items, and handles committee correspondence.
  3. Members: Participate in discussions, contribute to decision-making, carry out assigned tasks, and support the implementation of decisions.

The process of establishing committee mandates often involves clearly defining the purpose of the committee, outlining its roles and responsibilities, and setting goals and objectives. This could be a part of the committee’s terms of reference, a document that guides its work.

Operational Aspects of Committee Meetings

Committee meetings are where most of the committee’s work happens. They provide a forum for members to discuss issues, make decisions, and monitor progress. Here’s how they typically function:

  1. Setting the agenda: Prior to each meeting, an agenda is prepared outlining the items to be discussed. The chair, often with input from members, usually prepares this.
  2. Conducting the meeting: The chair leads the meeting, ensuring discussions stay on topic. Each agenda item is discussed, decisions are made, and action items are assigned.
  3. Minute taking: The secretary, or another designated person, records the minutes of the meeting, providing a formal record of what was discussed and decided.
  4. Following up: After the meeting, members carry out their assigned tasks. The minutes are circulated, and progress is reviewed at subsequent meetings.

Journal Question

Using the forum labelled “Course 3: Chapter 1” make a journal entry responding to the prompt below. Ensure that you title the entry “Lesson 9”. After writing a journal entry, go and make a comment on two other posts from your classmates. It can be about anything you noticed, liked, agreed with etc. The idea is to continue the dialogue about the topic.







Strong voice and tone that clearly addresses the purpose for writing.

Appropriate voice and tone. The purpose is largely clear.

Attempts to use personal voice and tone. Somewhat addresses the intended purpose.

Demonstrates limited awareness of use of voice and tone. Limited evidence of intended purpose.


Many interesting, specific facts and ideas are included.

Many facts and ideas are included.

Some facts and ideas are included.

Few facts and ideas are included.


All grammar and spelling is correct.

Only one or two grammar and spelling errors.

A few grammar and spelling errors.

Many grammar and spelling errors.


Made two significant contributions to the online forum. Highly supportive of others.

Made one contribution to the online forum. Supported group members.

Attempted to contribute to online forum but was vague and unclear in the writing.

Minimally involved. Offered limited support to online group members.

Prompt: Why is serving on a committee important in your role as a housing manager in a First Nations community?

What are some strategies to manage the dynamics of working with other members and the chair of a committee?

How would you go about establishing a mandate for a new housing committee in your community?

What steps can you take to ensure committee meetings are productive and effective?

Works Cited


Indigenous Public Works and Housing Management Copyright © by Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies. All Rights Reserved.

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