Welcome! Tansi!

Welcome to the fundamentals of community safety and emergency planning for managers. You are taking important step towards becoming a more effective communicator in your managerial role.

What is this course all about?

The program includes a vital course on Community Safety and Emergency Preparedness, which covers a range of emergency situations, including floods, fires, mold, and epidemics like COVID-19. The course also teaches preventative measures such as mold prevention, installation of fire alarms and smoke detectors, and preparation for winter weather and floods. Learners will examine case studies and learn about partnering with community agencies, such as fire departments and police services, to enhance community safety. As part of this students will create respective community plans – Fire protection, emergency response, community safety, housing health and safety standards, etc.

Course Objectives

  1. Be able to create a community safety plan and both collaborate on and share the plan with stakeholders.
  2. Be able to create emergency action plans and procedures for all situations including fires, floods and biohazards/epidemics.
  3. Be able to evaluate case studies for current and past First Nation community safety situations.
  4. Be able to respond to emergency situations using appropriate tools and techniques including the utilization of the ICS method.
  5. Be able to evaluate current community needs for safety prevention such as fire alarms and smoke detectors in all housing.
  6. Be able to partner with community security or address the needs for community safety partnership such as health clinics or police and fire departments.
  7. Be able to respond effectively to safety needs of the community.
  8. Be able to create a volunteer emergency response team for the FN community.

What do I need for this course?

All the resources required will be found right in the course!

Mapping My Journey

Mapping My Journey

“Mapping My Journey” is a reflective cumulative exercise where you’ll craft a detailed document charting your experiences throughout this course. Beginning with your initial expectations, you’ll move through significant learning moments, discuss challenges, draw personal connections, and envision future applications of the knowledge gained. This isn’t just about recounting experiences; it’s about deep introspection, connecting with the course content, and pinpointing areas of personal growth. Your submission will also offer feedback on the course structure and delivery, playing a role in its refinement for future cohorts. This task serves as both a showcase of your learning journey and an exploration into how this course has influenced your perspectives. Dive deep, and happy reflecting!

Mapping Your Journey Rubric












Depth of Reflection Comprehensive introspection and profound reflections. Solid reflection with minor gaps. Adequate reflection; some areas lack depth. Limited depth in several sections. Minimal or no reflection.
Connection to Course Strong, clear ties to course content throughout. Mostly clear connections; minor gaps. Some connections, but occasional irrelevance. Weak or sparse connections. Largely inaccurate or no connections.
Personal Insight Significant personal growth and deep insight demonstrated. Good evidence of growth and insight. Some insight shown; limited growth evidence. Little evidence of growth or insight. No evidence of personal growth.
Feedback on Course Detailed, actionable feedback with thoughtful suggestions. Relevant feedback with some improvement suggestions. General feedback; some impractical suggestions. Vague feedback with unclear suggestions. No constructive feedback offered.
Presentation Perfectly organized, meets guidelines, and uses multimedia effectively. Well-organized and adheres to most guidelines. Adequate organization; minor issues or limited multimedia. Disorganized or not fully adherent to guidelines. Poor organization and format; no effective multimedia use.

Now what?

Let’s get learning!


Fundamentals of Community Safety and Emergency Planning Copyright © by kingd. All Rights Reserved.

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