5 Chapter One – Lesson Five

Chapter Essential Questions

  • What should be included in community safety plans, and how are they implemented during emergencies?
  • Should community members be informed about safety plans, and how?
  • How can prevention be accomplished, and what types of incidents can be prevented?
  • How does taking preventative measures enhance community safety?
  • Why does partnering with local agencies like health clinics, police, and fire departments enhance community safety, and what can communities without these agencies do to secure their communities?
  • What resources and funding are available to support First Nation communities for safety?
  • What requirements can you implement in your community to establish more effective standards for safety?
  • How is a safety proposal written?

Lesson 5: Creating/Maintaining a Community Health Center


By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Explain how a local health clinic can be a preventative measure for epidemics and other community wide health concerns;
  • Explain what kinds of professionals may be available at a clinic and what their role is in public health;
  • Describe how a health clinic could be a part of a Covid-19 outbreak  or any epidemic) community safety plan;
  • Describe how professionals at the local health clinic could educate the community on preventative measures for health concerns (ex. Healthy Eating, Exercise, Mental Health, Initial Covid-19 Vaccines, proper masking procedures and quarantine, SK vaccination schedule, regular examinations etc.);
  • Explain ways to secure a community health clinic and available funding/resources and/or create a Municiple/intergovernmental agreement with other nearby communities for preventative and emergency scenarios.

Why local health clinics are important

Establishing a nearby health clinic is a proactive approach to addressing epidemics and other communal health issues. Such clinics render comprehensive preventive services and track patients’ ongoing ailments, cutting down medical expenditures incurred from frequent emergency room visits or prolonged hospital stays. In addition to basic physical examinations, these visits prioritize prevention services covering screening tests and immunization, warding off the risk of diseases and other health hazards. Furthermore, through education and guidance, these clinics aid individuals in cultivating a healthy lifestyle, safeguarding their overall wellness.

A local health clinic is a crucial preventative measure for epidemics and other community-wide health concerns. Health clinics can offer vaccines to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Many health clinics also have educational programs to teach the community about the importance of hygiene practices and good health habits to prevent the contraction of illnesses. They can also provide early diagnosis and treatment for diseases, ensuring that infected individuals are isolated and treated before they can spread the disease to others. By having health clinics, the community can detect and respond to an outbreak more quickly, reducing the risk of further transmission.

Furthermore, health clinics can also provide routine check-ups for individuals to ensure that they are healthy, which can help to control chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. If community members are able to manage their health, they are less likely to become sick and require hospitalization, reducing the burden on hospitals and emergency departments. Regular check-ups also help catch diseases early, when they are most treatable. The community is overall much healthier and resilient with the presence of a health clinic, which has far-reaching benefits for everyone.

Who could I encounter at a local health clinic?

A clinic may have a variety of professionals available who play different roles in public health. Some of the common types of professionals and their roles are:

1. Physicians – Physicians are medical doctors who provide diagnosis, treatment, and advice on medical issues. They are responsible for examining patients, prescribing treatment plans, and monitoring their health status.

2. Nurses – Nurses are healthcare professionals who assist physicians in providing care to patients. They have specialized training in assessing, diagnosing, and managing health conditions. They also provide patient education, administer medications, and perform medical procedures.

3. Pharmacists – Pharmacists are experts in medication management and dispensing. They work with physicians and nurses to ensure that patients receive the right medications in the right dosage. They provide education on medication use, side effects, and potential drug interactions.

4. Medical assistants – Medical assistants provide support to physicians and nurses in the clinic. They take vital signs, collect medical histories, and prepare patients for medical procedures.

5. Public health educators – Public health educators design and implement programs that promote healthy behavior and prevent the spread of diseases. They work with community members to educate them on health issues, develop campaigns to raise awareness, and provide education on disease prevention.

6. Social workers – Social workers provide support and counseling to patients and their families. They help to identify resources and services that can improve the lives of patients and connect them with community resources.

Overall, these professionals play essential roles in promoting public health by preventing diseases, promoting healthy behavior, and providing care to those who need it. Their expertise and dedication to public health make clinics an important part of healthcare systems worldwide.

How a health clinic important to a community safety plan

As part of an epidemic community safety plan, health clinics are crucial in providing medical care to patients and preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Their role during an epidemic is critical as they identify and treat infected patients while educating the public on disease prevention. Health clinics administer vaccinations and other preventative measures to curb the spread of disease. Through collaboration with local governments and organizations, they develop community safety plans that can include innovative methods such as home visits for assessment and treatment, outreach to homeless persons through community health centers and shelters, and language support by using multilingual family members or interpreters.

Educating the public

The local health clinic could educate the community on preventative measures for health concerns through various outreach programs and campaigns. Here are some ways professionals at the clinic could educate the community on the following topics:

1. Healthy Eating: The clinic could organize cooking classes to teach people how to prepare healthy meals. They could give out recipe books that are low in fat, salt, and sugar. They could also provide nutrition counseling and information on where to buy healthy foods.

2. Exercise: The clinic could organize fitness classes such as yoga, aerobics, and running clubs. They could provide information on the benefits of exercise and how to get started.

3. Mental Health: The clinic could organize support groups for people with mental health issues. They could provide information on coping skills and relaxation techniques. They could also provide counseling services and referrals to mental health professionals.

4. Initial Covid-19 Vaccines: The clinic could disseminate information on the importance of getting vaccinated against Covid-19. They could share information about the vaccine, its efficacy, and side-effects. They could also provide a list of vaccination centers near the community.

5. Proper masking procedures and quarantine: The clinic could provide information on how to wear masks properly and the importance of social distancing. They could organize workshops on how to make masks at home or where to buy them. They could also provide guidance on quarantine procedures for people who test positive for Covid-19.

6. SK vaccination schedule: The clinic could provide a schedule of when different vaccines are due for children and adults. They could also provide information on the importance of timely vaccination and the benefits of herd immunity.

7. Regular examinations: The clinic could emphasize the importance of regular check-ups for early detection of health issues. They could provide information on the types of examinations that are recommended for different age groups. They could also provide information on when to seek medical attention for specific health concerns.

Through these outreach programs and campaigns, professionals at the local health clinic could educate the community on preventative measures for health concerns.

There are several ways in which the professionals at the local health clinic can educate the community about preventative measures for health concerns. These methods include health communication, health education, and policy, systems, and environmental change.

Health communication involves using different channels like social media, flyers or brochures to give accurate and clear health information to the community. This can be information on topics like mental health, immunization schedules, or Covid-19 vaccines and protocols. The health communication materials should be tailored to the target audience’s needs, preferences, and literacy levels. The clinic could also partner with local media outlets such as newspapers, radio stations, or TV networks to promote health awareness campaigns.

Health education involves offering resources and opportunities to increase the knowledge and skills of individuals and groups on health topics. This could include seminars, workshops, or educational materials like books or software programs that people can access at their own pace. The educational activities should be based on evidence-based theories and practices and involve the participation and feedback of the target population.

Policy, systems, and environmental change involve advocating for or collaborating with local authorities, organizations, businesses, schools, or other stakeholders to implement policies or regulations that promote health and safety in the community. The clinic could also work with these partners to create or improve systems or environments that facilitate access to health care services, healthy food options, physical activity opportunities, or mental health support, among other resources that enhance health and well-being.

Securing available funding/resources

There are several ways to get a community health clinic and secure available funding and resources in Saskatchewan. Here are some possible steps that can be taken:

1. Assess the community’s needs: Conduct a survey or hold a public meeting to gather information from residents about their healthcare needs and preferences. Use the findings to determine the scope and type of services that will be provided by the clinic.

2. Conduct feasibility study: Conduct a feasibility study to determine the potential costs, staffing requirements, and funding sources required to establish a community health clinic. This will also help in deciding the most affordable location and the size of the clinic required.

3. Identify funding sources: Explore all possible funding sources that can be used to establish a community health clinic, including grants, foundations, private donations or fundraising, and government programs.

4. Create a business plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines the costs, staffing, operational requirements, and revenue streams for the clinic. This will help in securing funding, and serve as a blueprint for the clinic’s operation in the future.

5. Seek government and municipal support: Gather support from city councils, local mayors, and other municipal and provincial leaders to secure funding through local government budgets that can help sustain the clinic.

6. Enter into a Municipal/intergovernmental agreement: Contact neighboring communities to form a joint effort in establishing community health clinic, links with external consultants, and secure grants and emergency preventive measures scenarios in the region.

7. Collaboration with Existing Healthcare Providers: Collaborating with existing health care providers can aid in securing funding, and provide a means of sharing medical expertise across different clinics.

These steps can help secure the available funding and resources needed to establish a community health clinic, and ensure that it is properly equipped to provide the necessary preventative and emergency care to the community.

Journal Prompt

Using the forum labelled “Course 12: Lesson 5,” make a journal entry responding to the prompt below. Ensure that you title the entry “Lesson 5”. After writing a journal entry, go and make a comment on two other posts from your classmates. It can be about anything you noticed, liked, agreed with etc. The idea is to continue the dialogue about the topic.

Prompt: How can having a thriving and fully staffed local health clinic in your community improve the overall well-being and contribute to the health of the community? What do you think would be the biggest difference you would see in your own community?

*View the journal entry and journal comment rubric to see how they will be marked. 

Criteria Exemplary
Purpose Strong voice and tone that clearly addresses the purpose for writing. Appropriate voice and tone. The purpose is largely clear. Attempts to use personal voice and tone. Somewhat addresses the intended purpose. Demonstrates limited awareness of use of voice and tone. Limited evidence of intended purpose.
Understanding Many interesting, specific facts and ideas are included. Many facts and ideas are included. Some facts and ideas are included. Few facts and ideas are included.
Conventions All grammar and spelling is correct. Only one or two grammar and spelling errors. A few grammar and spelling errors. Many grammar and spelling errors.
Reply Made two significant contributions to the online forum. Highly supportive of others. Made one contribution to the online forum.  Supported group members. Attempted to contribute to online forum but was vague and unclear in the writing. Minimally involved. Offered limited support to online group members.


Fundamentals of Community Safety and Emergency Planning Copyright © by kingd. All Rights Reserved.

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